06 Mar
Pet Animal Bite Cases on the Rise in Lucknow – Pet Parents get ARV injections
Lucknow: Instances of street dogs biting a person are hardly uncommon. However, a recent untick in the number of pet dog and pet cat bites in Lucknow has become cause for concern.
Whether it is in the lifts of an apartment complex or in their own home, more and more pet animals are biting their owners & others. According to data from the city’s health department, more than 1,500 cases of pet animal bites were reported in January alone. Experts note that this increase in the number of incidents is cause for concern.
The Deputy Director of Animal Husbandry, Dr. Rahul Chandra, noted that while the number of pet animal bite cases are low, the number of cases involving scratches are high, with scratches by pet cats being the most common.
There are several reasons for such behaviour. One reason is aggression due to being in heat; however, this only happens for a small period every year. Another reason is a lack of attention. When a pet is starved for affection or cannot release their energy in the right manner, it can lead to loneliness or aggression.
According to Dr. Rahul Chandra, the pet dog bite cases should be examined to check whether the bites are by adult pet dogs or due to puppy bites and scratches during their initial growth. As a puppy grows, the teething process causes it to bite and chew on everything in sight, which may affect the number of reported cases.
According to doctors, the number of cat owners in Lucknow has increased over the last few years, which also contributes to the number of pet scratch cases. Doctors also urge caution, noting that owners are at risk of rabies if their cats are unvaccinated. Following the rise in bite and scratch cases, many pet owners in the city have received Anti Rabies Vaccinations (ARV).
Veterinarian Dr. Vikas Singh noted that proper training and care for pets is crucial. Owners should be aware that seasons, foods, and environments can all have different effects on different dog breeds.
Pets must be stimulated mentally and emotionally, and owners must keep up with their pet’s vaccinations and hygiene. A lack of care can lead to insecurity and fear, which can culminate in sudden bites or displays of aggression.
Experts say that a program to eliminate rabies in the country by 2030 is underway, following the guidelines of the World Health Organization (WHO). Awareness is being raised regarding animal bites and how to get yourself vaccinated if you are ever bitten.
Carry My Pet
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