
10 Mar

Pet Owners Warned to Keep Dogs Away from Seasonal Plants

As spring inches closer, dog owners are urged to beware of spring plants that can be extremely toxic to dogs. 

veterinary surgeon Charlie Dobson says flowers such as daffodils and tulips "can be problematic for dogs, especially those who love to dig in the garden".

Common symptoms of poisoning can include vomiting, diarrhoea, excessive drooling, lethargy, with difficulty breathing, tremors, and seizures in serious cases. "Although cases of poisoning are rare, knowing which plants are dangerous and keeping them out of reach can help prevent accidental poisoning."

According to Dobson, if owners think their pet may have ingested or eaten such a plant, they should head to their veterinarian immediately, even if their pet is not showing any symptoms or signs. 

Since sniffing and exploring are normal dog behaviours that cannot be changes, owners should make their gardens and backyards safe by removing such plants or making sure such plants are well out of reach of their pets.

This can be done by varying the height at which herbs and plants are planted, create a small pool to stay cool, and mark designate resting spots under the shade.



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